Sunday, April 10, 2016

What was life for Jewish people like in Nazi Germany?

Watch the videos and use these people's testimonies, and the information provided by the footage to complete the activities in your worksheets.

Monday, April 4, 2016

Christian Kingdoms- GLOSSARY

Cortes (Cortes) the assembly made up of members of the clergy, aristocrats and members of the bourgeoisie that helped the king to rule
Mesta (Mesta) an importnat organisation of sheep farmers that solved conflicts between its memers, among other missions
wool (lana) the material obtained from sheep; it is used to make cloth
absolute monarch (monarca/ rey absoluto) a system of government in which the king or queen has total authority over his or her kingdom and its subjects
auto de fe (auto de fe) a ritual of pubic penance by heretics condemned by the Inquisition
convert (converso) a person who changes religion
corregidor (corregidor) a representative of the king or queen with local administrative powers
heretic (hereje) a person whose religious beliefs are different from those of the Catholic Church
Inquisition (Inquisición) the religious court established by the Pope to supress heresy in Catholic countries
Morisco (morisco) Musilm living in the Christian Kingdoms who has accepted Christian baptism
religious uniformity (uniformidad religiosa) the government imposition of a single religion on the population
sanbenito (sanbenito) the clothing worn by penitent heretics convicted by the Inquisition during and auto de fe
viceroy (virrey) a person who rules a territory in the mane of the monarch
torture (tortura) the act of causing great pain, as punishment or revenge, for getting a confession or information, or just for cruelty

Hitler's speech

Please study the images and write a list of 5-6 statements to describe his speech (DO NOT copy the subtitles)

Friday, April 1, 2016

Castilla and Aragon Chart

El Camino de Santiago

In the 9th Century, Santiago de Compostela became one of the main destinations for Christian pilgrims. According to legend, the remains of the apostle James (Santiago in Spanish) were burried there, and a chrch was built on this site. Every year pilgrims from all over Europe came to Compostela to visit the apostle's tomb. The route taken by the pilgrims is known as the Road to Santiago (Camino de Santiago).
The Road to Santiago bacame of great importance to Castilian territories. Many businesses were started in the cities on the route to meet the travellers' needs.
It was also important in terms of cultural development. The pilgrims brought the fashions, styles and ways of thinking of other countries and, consequently, Western culture was brought to the Peninsula.
Some of the best examples of Romanesque buildings in Spain are found along the Road to Santiago.

Maps of the roads to Santiago de Compostela

The Catholic Monarchs

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Romanesque and Gothic Architecture- GLOSSARY

aisle (pasillo de la nave) a passageway separating seating areas in a church
altar (altar) elevated structure located in the choir, where religious rites are performed
ambulatory (girola o deambulatorio) circular aisle which wraps around the apse
apse (ábside) the semicircular or polygonal termination to the choir or aisles of a church
arch (arco) curved structure over an opening
barrel vault (bóveda de cañón) it is a semicircular construction used to cover the space between two walls
buttress (contrafuerte) a mass of stone built up to support a wall, usually necessary to strenghten those of great height
capital (capitel) the crown of a column, sometimes decorated
cathedral (catedral) the principal church of an area, where the throne of the bishop is placed
chancel () Space around the altar of a church that is usually intended for the clergy
choir (coro) the area of the main altar where services are sung, located between the crossing and the apse
clerestory (clerestorio) the upper story of a church where it rises above the aisle roof. window openings, usually of stained glass, allow extra light into the interior
column (columna) a cylindrical support for roof, usually capped by a decorated capital
crossing (crucero) intersection of the nave, transepts and chancel
cross vault (bóveda de crucería)
cruciform (crucifirorme) cross shaped -Latin or Greek
dome (cúpula) hemispherical vault
flying buttress (arbotante) a buttress arched over at the top to engage with a main wall. It gives strength to the main structure
gargoyle (gárgola) a water sprout terminating in a grotesquely carved figure of a human, demon or animal, and projecting from the gutter of a cathedral
groin vault (bóveda de arista) it is the vault formed when two barrel vaults meet 
lancet arch (arco apuntado) a Gothic pointed arch usually applied to long, narrow windows
masonry (mampostería, sillería) work constructed by a mason, esp. stonework
nave (nave) the main corridor of a church or cathedral from door to apse
pillar (pilar) square support for roof
pinnacles (pináculos) a slender, pointed summit placed on top of buttesses
radial chapels (capillas radiales o absidiolos) the recesses on the sides of aisles in cathedrals
rib vault (bóveda de arista)
rose window (rosetón)
round arch (arco de medio punto) it is an arch whose round part equals the measurement of half a circumference
tower (torre)
transept (transepto) the north and south projections or 'arms' of the cross
triforium (triforio) space or passage above the nave arcade, below the clerestory, and extending over the ceiling or vaults of the side aisle
tribune or gallery (tribuna) an upper story over the aisle which opens onto the nave or choir. It corresponds in length and width to the dimensions of the aisle below it
tympanum (tímpano) a panel above a main portal, or doorway, usually heavily decorated
vault (bóveda) an arched ceiling

more vocabulary and pictures:

Consequences of Black Death

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

The Black Death

and watch from 2.28

And an excellent revison, in BBC's Bitesizes/KS3 History

Changes in Population in the 14th and 15th centuries and The Black Death- GLOSSARY

Increase growth in size, strength, or quality
Decrease the amount by which a thing is lessened
Expansion the act or process of expanding. Expanding to spread out or be spread out; unfold; stretch out
Surplus an amount, quantity, etc., greater than needed
Improvement an act of improving or the state of being improved
Decline a downward movement, such as of prices or population
Buboes An inflamed swelling of a lymph node, especially in the area of the armpit or groin, that is characteristic of certain infections, such as bubonic plague.
Catastrophe An event that causes great damage and suffering.
Chronicle An account of events arranged in the order they took place.
Epidemic A major outbreak of a disease that spreads rapidly to a lot of people.

Mortality The death rate as a result of a particular cause.

Causes of the Russian Revolution, 1917

Monday, January 25, 2016

Why was Russian such a difficult country to rule?

Why was Russian such a difficult country to rule?
View more presentations from maggiesalgado
(Click on the slides to enlarge)

How did the Romanov family (the Tsar's family) live?

Meanwhile... how did Russian people feel about the Tsar and its Govenrment?

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Crafts and Guilds

Crafts and Guilds
Population grew, and as a result there was greater demand for clothes and objects made of wood and metal. The number of craftsmen increased. There were weavers, coopers, stone masons, dyers.
Craftsmen made their products by hand. They worked in workshops, which were located in the artisan’s house. The products were sold there too.
Craftsmen of the same profession often lived in the same street.

From the 12thC, all artisans in the same profession joined a guild. The guild controlled production, distributed raw materials, controlled the quality of the craft. Nobody could work in a trade if they did not join a guild.

Craftsman (artesano) a person who makes a product and sells it
Apprentice (aprendiz) a boy learning a craft
Journeyman (oficial) an apprentice who has been learning the craft for 7 years
Master craftsman (maestro artesano) a craftsman who has his own shop and trains his own apprentices
Indenture or contract (contrato) an agreement between 2 people
Guild (gremio) an association of craftsman who supported each other and controlled the craft
Masterpiece (obra maestra) a test piece a journeyman makes to become a master craftsman and join the guild

Monday, January 18, 2016

Why did women get the vote in 1918?

Wom Move Suffragettes #1 Of 2
[ Woman's franchise, Punch, January 23, 1918 ]

Woman recording her vote
in first election women allowed to vote in,
w. women supervisors and clerks employed for 1st time.
Location: United Kingdom
Date taken: October 1918

Woman dropping ballot in ballot box, in Parliamentary election,
re first time women allowed to vote, in illustration drawn by F. Matania.
Location: United Kingdom
Date taken: December 18, 1918

Some notes to revise on votes for women in BBC GCSE Bitesize

Credits: Les anglonautes

Miss Escaparate (Miss Representation)

Friday, January 15, 2016

How did the WWI change the role of women in Britain?

Take a look at the presentation we've studied in class. Then, watch the videos -you'll find a lot of information and photographs about women's role in WWI. After revising all the material, complete the activity below.

Rare photographs, 1918 -from Ptak Science Books
Four National Archives (UK) short films on female workers during the war
Women in trousers photo gallery
Check the the English Heritage site to complete the activities in the worksheet.

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Political rights for women

Sister Suffragette is about the Women's Social and Political Union that was formed in London in 1906 in order to give women the chance to be heard, particularly in the form of political votes. The group was formed to rally for suffrage, the right to vote, for women in the UK and all the members were called suffragettes.

Since Mary Poppins takes place around this time it is perfectly logical for Mrs. Banks to be active in this group and having her sing this song at the beginning of the film shows that she is more interested in being a suffragette than being a mother for her children.

Sister Suffragette (Mary Poppins, 1964)
We're clearly soldiers in petticoats
And dauntless crusaders for woman's votes
Though we adore men individually
We agree that as a group they're rather stupid!
Cast off the shackles of yesterday!
Shoulder to shoulder into the fray! 
Our daughters' daughters will adore us
And they'll sign in grateful chorus
'Well done, Sister Suffragette!'
From Kensington to Billingsgate 
One hears the restless cries!
From every corner of the land:
'Womankind, arise!'
Political equality and equal rights with men!
Take heart! For Missus Pankhurst has been clapped in irons again!
No more the meek and mild subservients we!
We're fighting for our rights, militantly!
Never you  fear!
So, cast off the shackles of yesterday!
Shoulder to shoulder into the fray!
Our daughters' daughters will adore us
And they'll sign in grateful chorus
'Well done! Well done! 
Well done Sister Suffragette!' 

Political rights for women GLOSSARY

suffrage the right to vote (also franchise)
suffragist a member of the National Union of Women's Suffrage Societies (NUWSS) who believed in peaceful, law-abiding protest
suffragette a member of the Women's Social and Political Union (WSPU), an organisation that sometimes used violence to further its aims
spinster an unmarried woman. The term was used usually to refer to women past the 'marrying age'
militant aggressive
hunger strike making a protest by not eating food
force-feeding making someone eat food, often by passing a tube down the throat
inhumane without pity or compassion

La Violencia de Género: la mujer y la publicidad

Decálogo para identificar el sexismo en la publicidad
Es sexista la publicidad que...

1. Promueve modelos que consolidan pautas tradicionalmente fijadas para cada uno de los géneros.
2. Fija unos estándares de belleza femenina considerados como sinónimo de éxito.
3. Ejerce presión sobre el cuerpo femenino a través de determinados tipos de productos.
4. Presenta el cuerpo de las mujeres como un espacio de imperfecciones que hay que corregir.
5. Sitúa a los personajes femeninos en una posición de inferioridad y dependencia.
6. Excluye a las mujeres de las decisiones económicas de mayor relevancia.
7. Aleja a las mujeres de los espacios profesionales prestigiados socialmente y, por el contrario, les asigna los roles de limpieza, cuidados y alimentación familiar.
8. Niega los deseos y voluntades de las mujeres y muestra, como “natural”, su adecuación a los deseos y voluntades de las demás personas.
9. Representa al cuerpo femenino como objeto, esto es, como valor añadido a los atributos de un determinado producto; como su envoltorio, en definitiva.
10. Muestra a las mujeres como incapaces de controlar sus emociones y sus reacciones, “justificando” así las prácticas violentas que se ejercen sobre ellas.

Glosario (RAE)
Patriarcado: organización social primitiva en que la autoridad es ejercida por un varón jefe de cada familia, extendiéndose este poder a los parientes aun lejanos de un mismo linaje.
Sexismo: discriminación de las personas por razón de sexo
Machismo: actitud de prepotencia de ,os varones respecto de las mujeres