Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Crafts and Guilds

Crafts and Guilds
Population grew, and as a result there was greater demand for clothes and objects made of wood and metal. The number of craftsmen increased. There were weavers, coopers, stone masons, dyers.
Craftsmen made their products by hand. They worked in workshops, which were located in the artisan’s house. The products were sold there too.
Craftsmen of the same profession often lived in the same street.

From the 12thC, all artisans in the same profession joined a guild. The guild controlled production, distributed raw materials, controlled the quality of the craft. Nobody could work in a trade if they did not join a guild.

Craftsman (artesano) a person who makes a product and sells it
Apprentice (aprendiz) a boy learning a craft
Journeyman (oficial) an apprentice who has been learning the craft for 7 years
Master craftsman (maestro artesano) a craftsman who has his own shop and trains his own apprentices
Indenture or contract (contrato) an agreement between 2 people
Guild (gremio) an association of craftsman who supported each other and controlled the craft
Masterpiece (obra maestra) a test piece a journeyman makes to become a master craftsman and join the guild

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