Friday, December 18, 2015

Xmas Holidays' 2ºA activity: Toledo

Toledo. Read the photocopy, complete activities 4 and 5 and CHOOSE ONE of the following activities:
1.  Make a poster with information of Toledo’s landscape and interesting sites to visit

2.  Make a brochure for the Tourist Information Office including maps, descriptions, suggestions of places to visit, photographs, typical foods in a A4

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Al Andalus Art

Paris Conference & Treaty of Versailles

and here you can see a pretty good analysis of a graphic source (a political cartoon punlished in Britain in 1920)-the kind of activity required in GCSE. You can see the cartoon below.

Sunday, December 13, 2015

End of the War+ Versailles Peace Conference+ Treaty of Versailles GLOSSARY

Versailles: a famous palace near Paris.
Conference: a meeting.
Armistice: a cease-fire.
Treaty: an agreement between nations.
Delegate: a person representing a country at a conference.
Colonies: overseas countries ruled by a European nation (e.g. India was a colony of the British Empire).
Disarmament: where countries agree to reduce their weapons.
Self-determination: the right of nations to rule themselves.
Compromise: when you ‘meet someone half-way’ in an argument
Reparations: the money Germany had to pay for damage done during the war.
Terms of the Treaty: the different things the Treaty said
Demilitarised zone: an area where the army is not allowed to go.
Senate: the ‘parliament’ of the United States.
Principles: ideas which say how things should happen.
Disarm: give up your armies and navies.
Self-determination: the right of peoples to rule themselves.
Nation-state: a country where the people of a certain race rule over themselves.
Racial minority: where a few people of one race live in a country where most people are of a different race

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Trench warfare in WWI

Life in the trenches

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

WWI Propaganda

British propaganda: interesting films from 1914

Footage from a 1930s film, "All quiet on the western front" + slogans

These are some recruitment and propeganda posters from the British and French during world war 1. Some are quite amusing while other are not. The song over it is Boys in Khaki, boys in blue, witch in terms means British and French soldiers.

A collection of posters representing various causes relating to the First World War. American, English, French, Italian, and Belgian works are featured.

Friday, December 4, 2015

WWI: the "trigger" and start of the war

Try to revise long-term and short term causes of the conflict while watching the video. And note the original footage! Then, watch the following video regarding the system of alliances and its implications regarding the start of WWI -it can be useful to complete your homework.

Cities of Al Andalus

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Unit 3: Al Andalus

For our next class:

1) Prepare the cover for the new topic:
Unit 3: Al Andalus

2) Prepare the Glossar for Unit 3 and look for the Spanish word and the definition in English of the following terms: Emirate - Caliphate - Capiph - Taifa

3) In a physical map of Spain (that you have to buy in the stationery shop), label these elements:

In Black
Pyrenees - Cantabrian Range - Iberian System - Central System - Betic System - Sierra Morena - Nort Surplateau - South Surplateau - Penibetic Range - Balearic Islans - Africa - Straits of Gibraltar

In Blue 
Cantabrian Sea - Mediterranean Sea - River Guadalquivir - River Ebro - River Duero - River Tajo - River Jucar - River Segura - Gulf of Cadiz - Gulf of Biscay - Gulf of Valencia


Unit 3: Al Andalus Glossary(i)

Emir (emir) the person who rules an emirate
Emirate (emirato) a political territory ruled by a dynastic Arab monarch (Emir)
Caliph (califa) a title used for Islamic rulers who are considered political and religious leaders
Caliphate (califato) the land a caliph rules
Taifa (taifa) small state or kingdom
Arab (árabe) person from the Arabian Peninsula
Berber (bereber) Ethnic group from Northern Africa
Umayyad (=) a dynasty that ruled the Islamic territories after Muhammed passed away
Strait (estrecho)

Tuesday, November 17, 2015


Monasteries, Convents, Monks and Nuns

Unit 2 Feudalism- Glossary (iv)

Pope (Papa) he was a man, leader of the Church. He came from the noble group (high clergy)
Cardinal (cardenal), Archbishop (arzobispo), Bishop (obispo). These were members of the high clergy (noble origin). They advised the kings and nobles. They were part of the regular clergy.
Priest (sacerdote) he was a member of the low clergy. He had non-noble origin. He was responsible for the parish (parroquia) and his parishioners (miembros de la parroquia). He was in charge of the rituals (marriage, baptism, etc.) and the advise on spirirtual matters.
Abbot (abad) / abbess (abadesa) they were in charge of the monastery (abbot) and the convent (abbess), ruling the members of the Regular clergy. They were members of the high clergy.
Monk (monje) he was a member of the low clergy. He prayed and worshipped privately in the monastery. He shut himself from the outside world in order to get close to God.
Nun (monja) she was a member of the low clergy. She lived in a convent, paying and helping the poor and sick.
Friar (fraile) he was a member of the low clergy. Although he belonged to the regular clergy, he lived outside the monastery, travelling, working and begging (mendigando) for food. He helped the sick in their homes.


Friday, November 13, 2015

Being Francisco de Goya

Autorretrato de Francisco de Goya, 1815

Being Francisco de Goya es una actividad para relacionar los contenidos trabajados en clase sobre el primer cuarto del siglo XIX español con la obra de Francisco de Goya.

Después de leer el texto entregado por la profesora (un capítulo del libro El vuelo de la razón (Goya, pintor de la libertad) de Vicente Muñoz Puelles (Madrid, Anaya, 2009), los alumnos deben revisar las obras de Goya indicadas por la profesora y realizar un trabajo creativo y original en el que combinen todos estos elementos imaginando que están dentro de la mente del pintor cuando éste proyecta, realiza y reflexiona sobre su trabajo. Al estilo de la película Being John Malkovich (Spike Jonze, 1999), deben intentar ponerse en el lugar de Goya, hacerse con sus ideas, sentimientos y avatares, y plasmar esta experiencia en una lámina, collage o maqueta -reflejando su forma de pensar, pintar y ver la España de principios del siglo XIX.

Plazo de entrega: 4ºA y 4ºB 24 de noviembre; 4ºC 3 de diciembre
Consultas durante el recreo en el Departamento de Geografía e Historia o en la Sala de Profesores

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Castles in times of peace

Unit 2 Feudalism- Glossary (iii)

Keep (fortaleza) castle
Bailey (muralla exterior) castle's outer wall
Battering ram (ariete) it is a siege engine designed to break open the masonry walls of fortifications or splinter their wooden gates
Ariete: máquina militar que se empleaba antiguamente para batir murallas, consistente en una viga larga y muy pesada, uno de cuyos extremos estaba reforzado con una pieza de hierro o bronce, labrada, por lo común, en forma de cabeza de carnero.
Masonry (mampostería, sillería)
Mangonel (catapulta)
Drawbridge (Puente levadizo)
Moat (foso) trench around a castle
Portcullis (verja levadiza) castle gate that is raised and lowered
Spiral staircase (escalera caracol)
Machicolation (matacán) it is a floor opening between the supporting corbels of a battlement, through which stones, or other objects, could be dropped on attackers at the base of a defensive wall
Corbel (ménsula) wall bracket
Bracket (soporte)
Battlement (almena) fortification
Arrow slit (apertura para flechas) it is a thin vertical aperture in a fortification through which an archer can launch arrows
Slit (fisura)

Monday, November 9, 2015

Preguntas 4º Isabel II, 1843-1868

1) Línea de tiempo, 1843-1868
2) Busca evidencias en el texto que den cuenta de que el liberalismo se consolidó conservador y centralista durante este período
3) ¿Quiénes eran los apoyos de Isabel en la década de 1840? Explica las razones de dicho apoyo en cada caso
4) ¿Por qué fracasaron los progresistas en la década de 1860?
5) ¿En qué consistía el 'sistema de alternancia'?
6) ¿Quiénes surgen como opositores a este sistema de alternancia en 1860s?

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Nobles in the Middle Ages

Unit 2: Feudalism. Glossary (ii)

Artisan or craftsman (artesano) a person who makes things using manual labour
Clergy (clero) the religious or spiritual leaders –e.g. priests, bishops, nuns, monks
Merchant or trader (mercader, comerciante) a person who buys and sells things
Nobles or aristocracy (nobles, aristocracia) people with high social position, from important families. They’re usually wealthy and/ or powerful  -e,g, dukes, counts, lords
Privileges (privilegios) special rights that certain groups of people have
Social groups (grupos sociales) a group of people in a society who have similar rights, wealth, power and lifestyle (e.g. peasants, nobles)

Friday, October 30, 2015

Food in the Middle Ages

Imagine you’re the cook of the Manor. Lord Robert and Lady Flora have guests and they’ve asked you to prepare a MENU for the venue: breakfast before the hunt, lunch after the hunt was over and dinner before the music concert.

You can do some research clicking the following links:

Medieval food and cooking 
Medieval life and times 
Medieval plus -food and cooking
British Library
Food and drink in the Middle Ages

Monday, October 26, 2015

Economía y sociedad en la España del siglo XIX

The Feudal System

For tomorrow's class, complete the following questions:

a. Draw a diagram to show each group (pyramid)
b. Is the Feudal system equal?
c. Who had the worst life? Why?
d. Who helped the king fight his enemies?
e. What would happen if a knight refused to fight for his lord?
f. Why is loyalty so important if the system is to function well?

Friday, October 23, 2015

'History of Britain': Victorian era and Industrialization

Feudal Society- Glossary (i)

Manor (feudo) An estate in land, which is an interest in real property that is or may become a possesion.// The basic feudal unit of tenure and is historically connected with the territorial divisions of the mark, parish and township.
Demesne (dominio) all the land, not necessarily all contiguous to the manor house, which was retained by a lord of the manor for his own use and support, under his own management
Villain (villano) a peasant (tenant farmer) who was legally tied to the land he worked on. A villain could not leave the land without the landowner's consent
Serf (siervo) It was a condition of bondage or modified slavery. Serfdom included the labour of serfs occupying a plot of land owned by a lord of the manor in return for protection and justice and the right to exploit certain fields within the manor to maintain their own subsistence.
Servant (sirviente) domestic worker (a man, woman or child) who works within the employer's household. They perform a variety of household services for an individual or a family
Butler (mayordomo) A butler is a domestic worker in a large household. the household is sometimes divided into departments with the butler in charge of the dining room, wine cellar (bodega), and pantry (despensa).

What were the Middle Ages?

Saturday, October 17, 2015

The rise of the workers movement GLOSSARY

Anarchist: people who advocate societies with no state organization, based on equally voluntary associations -hence, their opposition to any type of political organization or participation.
Capitalism: a system where individuals are encouraged to use their talent and money to run businesses that make themselves richer.
Capitalist: people who believe in an economic system in which the production and distribution of goods depend on private money and profit making.
Communist: a person or political party that seeks a society in which all property is publicly owned and each person is paid and works accordingly to his or her needs and abilities.
Industrial Revolution: the time of great change in Britain when people began to make goods by using machines in factories (c.1750-1830).
Luddites were 19th-century English textile artisans who violently protested against the machinery introduced during the Industrial Revolution that made possible to replace them with less-skilled, low-wage labourers, leaving them without work. The movement was named after Ned Ludd and it began in 1811 in Nottingham.
Marxism: set of ideas resulting from the work of K. Marx and F. Engels, that advocate for revolution as the only way to end class struggle (workers vs. bourgeoisie) and destroy capitalism, in order to establish a communist society.
Revolution: a big and speedy change.
Riot: a violent disturbance where a crowd of people gets out of control.
Socialist: a person who believes that a community's interests are more important than those of any individual.
Trade union: a group of people who join together to improve their pay or working conditions.

The rise of the worker's movement

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Glossary: Early Middle ages (ii)

Basileus (basileus) Name of the Emperor of the Byzantine Empire. He commanded the army and government, and he was also the religious leader
East-West Schism (Cisma Este-Oeste) Split in the unity of the Church -separation between Roman Catholic Church and Eastern Orthodox Church in 1054
Rite (rito) A religious ceremony
Justinian Code (Código Justiniano) A collection of books containing all the old Roman laws, as well as new laws that Emperor Justinian (527-565) introduced. The laws of many European countries are still based on the principles of the Code.
Mosaic (mosaico) A complex artistic technique consisting of inserting small pieces of different coloured stone, glass or ceramics into a flat surface in order to create an image.
Homage (homenaje) A ceremony in which a noble promised to be loyal and obedient to a king or more powerful noble
Vassal (vasallo) A person who paid homage to a king or more powerful noble in return for protection or land

Friday, October 9, 2015

Byzantine Empire

Byzantine Empire from maggiesalgado

(click on the image to enlarge)

Read the TWO photocopies about the Byzantine Empire and answer:
1)           What happened during the 6th Century in the Byzantine Empire?
2)           What type of leader was Justinian? (characteristics)
3)           List Justinian most important achievements
4)           Complete activity 2 on page 10

Friday, October 2, 2015

Industrial Revolution: Glossary

artisan: a skilled manual worker
cash crops: crops such as cotton, grown not for food but to be sold to process
cholera: a disease carried in water supplies contaminated by sewage. It is usually fatal
colony/es: a country ruled by another country
division of labour: the division of work into specialised tasks, each performed by a different person or group
domestic system: the main system of making goods before the Industrial Revolution. People worked in their own homes
engineer: a person who plans and builds machines, roads, etc.
entrepreneur: someone who makes money from establishing a business
export: transporting and selling goods that are made in certain country (e.g. Britain) abroad
factory: a building or grop of building with facilities and machinery for the manufacture of goods
import: when goods are brought into a country (e.g. Britain) from abroad
industrial: to do with industry, i.e. how people make things, especially in factories
Industrial Revolution: the time of great change when people began to make goods in factories using machines
invested: put money into a company to make a profit
loom: machine for weaving cloth
maufacturer: a factory owner, or someone who produces goods
markets: countries or areas of countries where traders sell their goods
marling: adding lime and clay
middle class: in effect, peoplewho are not working class but earn a living, e.g. doctors, businessmen, shopkeepers
patented: registered an invention so that no one else can copy it without paying money to the inventor
pauper: a very poor person who cannot support himself/ helself
polluted: made dirty
population: the number of people in a certain place
raw materials: natural materials such as coal or cotton which have to be turned into finished goods in a factory
sewage: the waste matter which goes through a sewer
sewer: a drain to carry away refuse and human excrement
slum: a dirty, overcrowded building or area
spindle: a rod which holds the thread in spinning
textile: woven cloth

Germanic Peoples: Homework

Answer the following questions using the map, the powerpoints, the photocopy and your notes from the game today:

1) Did the Germanic people live in cities?
2) Were they all warriors and soldiers?
3) What did Germanic soldiers look like? (use the slides)
4) Were they all Christians?
5)  Did they all dislike the Romans?
6) Why did they migrate?

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Industrial Revolution: Entrepreneurs

Early Middle Ages -summary

Unit 1: Early Middle Ages GLOSSARY

Decline (declive, decadencia)  Progress towards the end of something.
Migration (migración) It is a movement of population from one place to another
Empire (Imperio) It is a large territory with different people ruled by an emperor
Emperor (emperador) Single ruler of an empire
Tribe (tribu) A group of people descended from the same ancestor, having similar customs and traditions
Barbarian (bárbaro) A person regarded as wild, primitive, or uncivilized.
Invading (invadir) Entering another country to take it over
Conquering (conquistar) Controlling another country
Trade (comercio) The act or process of buying, selling, or exchanging goods
Law (ley) The principles, rules, and regulations set up by a government, other authority, that apply to all the people of a group;
Army (ejército) A group of people trained and armed for war
Crisis (crisis) A condition of instability that leads to an important change

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Changes in Agriculture: Glossary

to plow (arar) to turn up soil with a plow

to harrow (gradar) to draw a harrow over land
harrow (rastra) an agricultural implement with spikelike teeth or upright disks, drawn over plowed land to level it, break clods, root up weeds, etc.

fallow (barbecho) land that has undergone plowing and harrowing and has been left uncultivated for one or more growing seasons
breeding (criar) the improvement or development of breeds of livestock
cattle (ganado) bovine animals
hedge (arbustos, setos) a row of bushes or small trees planted close together, especially when forming a fence or boundary
enclosure (cerramiento) the separation and appropriation of land by means of fence
seed drill (sembradora):  it is a sowing device that position seeds in the soil, at the proper depth, and then covers them

More information about changes in agriculture and the Industrial revolution, HERE