Sunday, December 13, 2015

End of the War+ Versailles Peace Conference+ Treaty of Versailles GLOSSARY

Versailles: a famous palace near Paris.
Conference: a meeting.
Armistice: a cease-fire.
Treaty: an agreement between nations.
Delegate: a person representing a country at a conference.
Colonies: overseas countries ruled by a European nation (e.g. India was a colony of the British Empire).
Disarmament: where countries agree to reduce their weapons.
Self-determination: the right of nations to rule themselves.
Compromise: when you ‘meet someone half-way’ in an argument
Reparations: the money Germany had to pay for damage done during the war.
Terms of the Treaty: the different things the Treaty said
Demilitarised zone: an area where the army is not allowed to go.
Senate: the ‘parliament’ of the United States.
Principles: ideas which say how things should happen.
Disarm: give up your armies and navies.
Self-determination: the right of peoples to rule themselves.
Nation-state: a country where the people of a certain race rule over themselves.
Racial minority: where a few people of one race live in a country where most people are of a different race

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