Thursday, October 15, 2015

Glossary: Early Middle ages (ii)

Basileus (basileus) Name of the Emperor of the Byzantine Empire. He commanded the army and government, and he was also the religious leader
East-West Schism (Cisma Este-Oeste) Split in the unity of the Church -separation between Roman Catholic Church and Eastern Orthodox Church in 1054
Rite (rito) A religious ceremony
Justinian Code (Código Justiniano) A collection of books containing all the old Roman laws, as well as new laws that Emperor Justinian (527-565) introduced. The laws of many European countries are still based on the principles of the Code.
Mosaic (mosaico) A complex artistic technique consisting of inserting small pieces of different coloured stone, glass or ceramics into a flat surface in order to create an image.
Homage (homenaje) A ceremony in which a noble promised to be loyal and obedient to a king or more powerful noble
Vassal (vasallo) A person who paid homage to a king or more powerful noble in return for protection or land

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