Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Industrial Revolution: Entrepreneurs

Early Middle Ages -summary

Unit 1: Early Middle Ages GLOSSARY

Decline (declive, decadencia)  Progress towards the end of something.
Migration (migración) It is a movement of population from one place to another
Empire (Imperio) It is a large territory with different people ruled by an emperor
Emperor (emperador) Single ruler of an empire
Tribe (tribu) A group of people descended from the same ancestor, having similar customs and traditions
Barbarian (bárbaro) A person regarded as wild, primitive, or uncivilized.
Invading (invadir) Entering another country to take it over
Conquering (conquistar) Controlling another country
Trade (comercio) The act or process of buying, selling, or exchanging goods
Law (ley) The principles, rules, and regulations set up by a government, other authority, that apply to all the people of a group;
Army (ejército) A group of people trained and armed for war
Crisis (crisis) A condition of instability that leads to an important change

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Changes in Agriculture: Glossary

to plow (arar) to turn up soil with a plow

to harrow (gradar) to draw a harrow over land
harrow (rastra) an agricultural implement with spikelike teeth or upright disks, drawn over plowed land to level it, break clods, root up weeds, etc.

fallow (barbecho) land that has undergone plowing and harrowing and has been left uncultivated for one or more growing seasons
breeding (criar) the improvement or development of breeds of livestock
cattle (ganado) bovine animals
hedge (arbustos, setos) a row of bushes or small trees planted close together, especially when forming a fence or boundary
enclosure (cerramiento) the separation and appropriation of land by means of fence
seed drill (sembradora):  it is a sowing device that position seeds in the soil, at the proper depth, and then covers them

More information about changes in agriculture and the Industrial revolution, HERE